Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Flight Attendant

Photo was gifted to me by the pilot.

I have dated exactly two pilots in my life. One, a military helicopter instructor pilot, and the other, a fixed wing instructor pilot. Both younger than me, blue eyed, and with hearts that loved flying more than just about anything that our mere earth could provide. Even though the experiences themselves were the utter antithesis of each other, I learned a lot from them both. Then it suddenly occurred to me that I learned absolutely nothing about the sky. I can't quite figure how I could spend so much time with someone who knows everything about it and absorb next to nothing. I like to Google just about everything. I don't know why I never did. I think learning a little something every day whether it be minesquel or massive in nature will only make me a richer, better person. So when this realization hit me, and considering the countless hours I spend taking pictures of it, I set out to indulge my ever evolving obsession. I am just trying to keep my head in the clouds.

CUMULUS - Clouds with vertical development.

CIRRUS - Thin, wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers.

CIRROCUMULUS - Small rounded white puffs similar to the scales of fish.

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