Thursday, March 13, 2014

Don't Quote Me.

{When I make decisions about how I treat people.}

I haven't had the best week but I made a promise to myself to try and stick to my resolutions as much as possible this year so I am trying to keep my head up. As much as people poke fun at those of us who post quotes on our social media accounts, I have to say that there are days where logging in and reading one completely changes my outlook or mood even if only momentarily. Even on those accounts I try and surround myself with positive people to keep me laughing and help me see that I CAN get through even the most difficult times. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you today.

{When I lose someone from my life that I once valued this helps me.}

{The woman I always want to be.}

{Pumps me up when faced with the negativity of others.}

{Favorite laugh.}

{My way of staying strong against all odds.}

{Pretty much sums up the kind of romantic relationship I aspire to have.}

{My life mantra.}

{I want to always be the most honest version of myself.}

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