Thursday, April 24, 2014

Donut Sundays

{Photo via the Columbus Dispatch}

There are a lot of quirky new ways to "decorate" a donut these days. I have been to several local establishments here in Columbus in a valiant effort to search out a shop that even remotely reminds me of Jack Frost from home. I miss that place more than anything. As a young child my family would pick up my paternal grandmother for church every Sunday. It was a family tradition to get donuts immediately following the service. My father would try and refuse, but my grandmother always stuffed some cash in his pocket before he went in. Maybe it is simply nostalgia that makes it seem like those donuts were the best, but they just WERE. If you were raised in Brooklyn you would understand. If I could FedEx myself a dozen every weekend I would. Here in Columbus there are shops opening up with all these crazy toppings and gimmicky combinations but I have no idea why anyone would mess with something so genuine. HoneyDip in Upper Arlington is as close as I have come to simplistic perfection, made the old fashioned way, when it comes to this rotund delight. 

{I love that they still use a standard box. The flat ones make me crazy.}

{I am a "cake" donut fan.}

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