Growing up I had a very independent step mother. She taught me the value of being alone and learning how to tackle that time of your life with grace and strength. She taught me to relish it and cherish it. I remember her taking entire days off for her birthday and going to the movies by herself. She enjoyed going and doing things without anyone else, and she showed me that that was a good thing to be able to do. She taught me about independent films and about finding those smaller theaters to see them in. Driving an extra few minutes was worth it to her. Now it is worth it to me. The weekend this movie came out I couldn't wait to see it. I knew finding someone to go with would be difficult, so I didn't even try, I swiped on a pretty red lip, and some cute shoes, and took myself to see one of my all time favorite actors perform in a movie that was more about the content then the promotion. A gripping story of a man who's job it was to seek out the meaning of life for others, but loses sight of the importance of it. Who in a moment of utter delusion makes decisions that impact his most immediate future. Woody Allen movies have not grabbed my attention like this one did in a long time, Well written and not overdone it sends the message without the need for verbosity. A great date night movie even if your date is you.
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